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Random Thoughts: What I have heard

I thought I would just note some thing that I have heard from talking to friends about this crazy trip or random thoughts I have had on my days on the bike.

1) Getting to the start healthy and with some fitness, is the biggest challenges to finishing. I mean, so many things can go wrong and stand in your way before you even start...It seems almost impossible that nothing goes wrong and you can start on that day you planned 6 months in advance. I keep thinking about what could go wrong, sick parents, sick daughters, work shit, Bern or I am sick or injured...or divorced over the whole insanity of this trip. If we get to the start I will feel, not one to say blessed, but very fortunate for my situation in life. Corny but ya.

2) When Bern and I started hanging together, courting as they use to say, there are those moments you realize that you belong together. We used to do so many crazy things, jumping on the back of a moving truck, cycling down a hill with Bern perched on the handlebars, breaking into football stadiums. At some point during the "courting" you come to the realization that this is a fit. So here we are, after kids, after making our careers, coming full circle crazy.

3) I am not sure what to call this thing Bern and I are doing so I looked up some definitions. Journey - the act of traveliing one place to another. Vacation - A period of time that a person spends away usually in order to relax or travel. Trip - an act of going to a place and returning; a journey or excursion, especially for pleasure. Expedition - a journey especially by a group of people for a specific purpose (such as to explore a distant place or to do research). So what we call this thing depends on whether it has purpose versus pleasure versus relaxation. We will see.

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